About Me


ahem. allow myself to introduce myself 🤝

TLDR; I started programming when I was 16, I went to school for computer science, have tried basically every business, built a bunch of products, applied (rejected from YC), worked at Amazon for 4 yrs and working towards that sweet 10M net worth by 30.

Life story (so far):

  • 17 yrs old: Started with $0, I taught myself how to program in high-school (parent’s have zero formal education past high-school), the first website I create is an online language earning forum in PHP! 
  • 18-20 yrs old: In college, started multiple products in university, some worked, some didn’t. Some of the projects include reselling Yeezies, creating sneaker bots, creating affiliate sites, selling merch, dropshipping. I’ve basically tried every “Make Money Online” idea, shoulda focused in hindsight, oh well =) 
  • 21 yrs old: I graduate college with computer science major in <3.5 years 
  • 22 years: Started my first “real corporate job”at Amazon on. My team worked primarily with Amazon fulfillment tech which is basically all software to pack/ship customer packages.
  • 23 yrs old: I move to NYC (my childhood dream city!) and work on a few more projects, none make any significant amount of money. 
  • 24 yrs old: I co-found my first startup, I built the product in <1.5 week, we got the product to 1k MRR within 2 months,  got to the final YC interview (we missed the mark and didn’t pass, I was still proud we made it to the final round!) 
  • 25 years: Grew Twitter from 0 to 20k+ followers within 1 year
  • 25 years: Grew AI training program to over 400 students within 1 year, ~80k revenue
  • 25 years: I co-found another B2B SaaS in 2022, I built the entire product within 2 weeks, product was acquired for 5 figures within 1 year
  • 26 years: I got bored at Amazon and decide to spice up my life. I quit my +$350,000 cushy FAANG job and decide to travel around SEA to decrease my personal burn and focus on hitting my 5 year goals <— here now

fitness milestone: I hit 225 (2 plates last yr) =p

How last year went: read about my 2023 wrapped here

Here are *just some* of the 20+ projects I’ve worked on over the years.

20 of my favorite Tweets:

20) my daily routine

19) loving coding again fr

18) ez tip to code faster

17) dont stay in corporate too long

15) sometimes u just gotta sell everyting

14) I spent 30 days learning design

13) super underrated

12) my first ios app

11) fakts


10) what sucks now

9) iykyk

8) keep it simple

7) never give up

6) absolutely banger presentation by urs truly

5) fakts

4) I think about this a lot

3) Upwork h4ck

2) Mf’s sent death threats over this demo l o l

1) My most popular thread on how to crack 250k+ job offers

That’s all folks! If you want to follow along on the journey to 10M, follow on my Twitter for up to date update and Insta for my life updates.

see ya!